Saturday, July 9, 2011

Yara - Enta Minni / يارا - إنت مني

Assalamualaikum. . 
Met pagi menjelang siang semuaa. . 

Pagi ni ane mau share lagunya si Yara, yang Enta Minni , , 
Napa share tuh laguuu, karenaaaaaa. . . (jiah) 
Lg di kampus, duduk di tangga sendirian kaya orang ilang #curhat, buka netbuk and browsing lagu Yara di youtube. . Eh eh, ketemu dah tuh lagu enak (emng makanan :s ), tp beneran tuh lagu enak, mangkanya ane share di senee. .hihih

Profil nya neeh:
Name : Yara (full name Carla Nazih Berkachi)
 TTL : June 1, 1983

Nih diaa video clip nyaaah

Lyric :

Enta menni

انا سبتك وانت منى ندمانة للنهاردة لو حتى
غصب عنى مكنش لازم ارضى
انا بطمن عليك وانا من بعيد لبعيد
بخاف لو رحت ليك القيك حبيت جديد
مش من حقى العتاب انا سبتك للعذاب
لكن ربى اللى عالم اخلاصى وحبى ليك
اناهابعد عنك وانا وياك قلبى هاتحمل تعبى بعدك الله يعنى
لو صدفة قبلتك صبرنى ياربى لا يبنلك حبى وانتة قريب منى
حاولت اناادراى حبك واضحك على روحى
وانسى صورتك ماغبتش عنى شيلاك فى قلبى لسة
الليل عليا طال وانا بسئل نفسى لية بخبى حنينى ليك
ولا بقدر يوم علية يمكن جنيت عليك
بس انتة الله يجزيك خلتنى اعيش عمرى عشان بعيشة ليك
اناهابعد عنك وانا وياك قلبى هاتحمل تعبى بعدك الله يعنى
لو صدفة قبلتك صبرنى ياربى لا يبنلك حبى وانتة قريب منى


You Are Part of Me

I left you when you were part of me, I regret it today, even if..

It was out of my hands, I shouldn't have accepted it

I am making sure you're ok from the distance

And I am afraid that if I went back to you I will find that you have a new lover

It is not my right to disapprove I was the one who left you to suffer

But only God knows my sincerity and love for you

I will go and leave my heart with you and I will handle the pain that comes with it

If by coincidence I run into you, oh Lord help me to be patient, because my love may show when he is near me

I tried to forget your love and fool myself

And tried to forget your face, but you have not left me, I still carry you in my heart

The nights have become so long and I ask myself why do I hide my affection for you

I can't do without you, maybe I have gone mad for you

But you, may God reward you, you allowed me to live my life because I live for you

I will go and leave my heart with you and I will handle the pain that comes with it

If by coincidence I run into you, oh Lord help me to be patient, because my love may show when he is near me

1 komentar:

singgihsry said...

memang lagunya enak . . . . makasih terjemahannya ya Zana . .

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